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Post Code : P.O BOX 3000 - 80100 MOMBASA


FORM 2 : TERM 1 2025

July 2024

2:45 minute

Exam code: 2113412

Instructions to Candidates

1. Write your name and index number in the spaces provided above.

2. Sign and write the date of examination in the spaces provided above.

3. This paper consists of two sections; A and B.

4. Answer all the questions in section A and section B.

For Examiner's Use Only

1 2 3 4 5 Total
6 7 8 9 10 Total


 Answer all questions


(a) Name two theories of the origin of the earth     (2mks)

(b) Name four layers of the earth’s atmosphere     (4mks)


(a) What is weather forecasting     (2mks)

(b) Give three elements of weather     (3mks)


State four uses of savanna vegetation     (4mks)


(a) Name three components of soil     (3mks)

(b) State three characteristics of desert soils     (3mks)


Outline four characteristics of a river in its youthful stage     (4mks)


 Answer all questions


Study the map of Kijabe 1:50,000(sheet 134/3) provided and answer the following questions.

(a) i) Give two types of scales used in the map extract   (2mks)

 ii) Give the map title    (1mk)

iii) Measure dry weather road (D38) from grid square 3800 to the eastern edge of map extract. Give your answer in kilometres   (2mks)

(b)i)What is the bearing of Air photo principal point in grid square 9025 from the cattle dip in grid square 2692. (2mks)

ii) Identify two human features I grid square 3890 (2mks)

(c) Draw a rectangle measuring 14cm by 10cm to represent the area enclosed by easing of 30 and 37 and northings of 90 and 95. On the rectangle mark and label (5mks)

i) Railway line

ii) Thicket

iii) River Matathia

iv) Cattle dip

(d) Explain how relief has influenced the distribution of settlement on the area covered by the map   (4mks)

(e) Describe the drainage of the area covered by the map   (4mks)

(f) Give the social functions of Kijabe town   (3mks)



i) What is a rock?  (1mk)

ii) Describe the three ways through which sedimentary rocks are formed  (6mks)

(b) Describe the following characteristics of minerals

i) Colour  (2mks)

ii) Cleavage  (2mks)

(c) Give two types of igneous rocks  (2mks)

(d) Suppose you were to carry out a field study of rocks within the vicinity of your school

i) Name three secondary sources of information you would use to prepare for the field study  (2mks)

ii) State three activities you would carry out during the field study  (2mks)

iii) State three problems you are likely to experience during the field study  (2mks)

(e) Explain three significance of rocks to human activities in Kenya  (4mks)



i) Define the term hydrological cycle (2mks)

ii) Give three factors that influence the occurrence of surface runoff (3mks)

iii) State the significance of the hydrological cycle (4mks)


i) What is a lake (2mks)

ii) Give three reasons why some lakes in Kenya have saline water (3mks)

iii) Explain how Lake Victoria influences the climate of the surrounding areas. (6mks)

iv) State five economic uses of lakes (5mks)


(a) The diagram below represents underground features in a limestone area. Use it to answer question

i) Name the features marked X, V and W  (3mks)

ii) Describe how the feature marked y is formed  (6mks)

iii) What is an artesian basin?  (2mks)

iv) Explain three factors which influence the formation of features in limestone areas  (6mks)

(b) Give four reasons why there are few settlements in Karst landscapes (4mks)

(c) State four significance of the Karst Region (4mks)



i) What are earthquakes?  (2mks)

ii) Name two types of earthquake waves  (2mks)

iii) State four ways in which the earth’s crust is affected by earthquakes  (4mks)


i) Name three types of faults  (3mks)

ii) Apart from compressional forces explain two other processes that may cause faulting. (4mks)

(c) With the aid of diagrams, describe how compressional forces may have led to the formation of the Great Rift valley.  (8mks)

(d) Apart from the Rift Valley name two other relief features that were formed as a result of faulting  (2mks)