Post Code : P.O BOX 3000 - 80100 MOMBASA
March 2025
2:0 minute
Exam code: 81002
1. Write your name,
index number, admission number and class in the spaces provided.
2. Sign and write the
date in the spaces provided above.
3. Answer all the
questions in section A and B.
4. Answer any two
questions in section C.
5. Answers should be
written in the spaces provided.
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | Total |
Answer all questions
Name four the human related factors that influence farming (4mks)
Give five reasons why it is advantageous to use farmyard manure (5mks)
What is primary tillage (1mk)
Give six disadvantages of flood irrigation (6mks)
Describe five factors that determine spacing in crop production (10mks)
Give two reasons why use of certified seeds is recommended (2mks)
Name five the features of a good store (5mks)
Describe the procedure followed during soil sampling (6mks)
Give four factors considered in siting a nursery bed (2mks)
Describe five reasons for pruning (5mks)
Giving examples of each, state six types of vegetables (6mks)
Name three liming elements in crop production. (3mks)
What is chitting. (1mk)
Given that the spacing of coffee is 2.7m by 2.7m, calculate the plant population in 1 hectare
(Ha) of land. (2mks)
Name four conditions that should be met by a good root stock. (4mks)
State the difference between tip layering and trench layering. (2mks)
Differentiate between grafting and layering. (2mks)
Name any two practices carried out during hardening off in seedlings. (2mks)
Differentiate between mixed cropping and inter-cropping. (2mks)