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Solve  the equation 8x2 + 2x – 3 =0 hence solve the equation 8Cos2y + 2Cosy – 3 = 0 For the range 00< y <1800                    (4mks)

Simplify the expression                  (3mks)

Solve the equation 2x2 + 3x = 5 by completing the square method                    (3mks)

Annette has some money in two denominations only. Fifty shillings notes and twenty shilling coins. She has three times as many fifty shilling notes as twenty shilling coins. If altogether she has sh. 3,400, find the number of fifty shilling notes and 20 shilling coin.   (3mks)

Two boys and a girl shared some money. The elder got 4/9 of it, the younger boy got 2/of the remainder and the girl got the rest. Find the percentage share of the younger boy to the girls share.               (3mks)


evaluate the 2cm2 following


A transport company operates three types of trucks whose load capacities are 3.2 tonnes, 8 tonnes and 10 tonnes. Calculate the least possible mass in tonnes that the company can transport with the three trucks.     (3 mks)


    Use tables of square roots and reciprocals only to evaluate                            (3 mks)

A line that passes through the point (-3, 5) makes an angle of 53.130102350 with the x-axis. Find the equation of the line in the form y = mx + c, where m and c are constants.          (3 mks)

A bag of rice costs Ksh 12,500, a bag of beans costs Ksh 15,200 and a bag of maize costs Ksh 8,750. A school buys 20 bags of rice, 30 bags of beans and 45 bags of maize in a term.


(a) the cost of each bought as a 3×1 matrix                      (1 mk)






(b) the number of bags of each as a 1×3 matrix                  (1 mk)





(c) Hence calculate the total cost that the school spent in buying the items.     (2 mks)