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   (a) Identify seven reasons why people engage in corrupt practices in Kenya today (7mks)

   (b) Outline seven benefits of Genetic engineering (7mks)

   (c) State ways in which a Christian can show respect to life and health environment today (6mks)

   (a) What is the traditional African understanding of marriage? (7mks)

   (b) Explain problems of early marriages in modern Kenya (7mks)

   (c) Discuss ways in which children’s rights have been abused in modern Kenya (6mks)

   (a) With reference to the day of Pentecost, state seven teachings of Peter about Jesus (7mks)

   (b) Outline the characteristics of the people of God as taught by Peter in 1st Peter2:9-10 (8mks)

   (c) Give reasons why Christians should work in unity (5mks)

   (a) Describe the trials of Jesus before Pilate and Herod. Luke 23:1-24 (8mks)

   (b) State reasons why Jesus appeared to his disciples after his resurrection. (6mks)

   (c) Give reasons why Christians should accept suffering (6mks)

   (a) Describe the call of Levi in Luke 14:15-24 (7mks)

   (b) State reasons why Jesus faced opposition from the Pharisees in Galilee (7mks)

   (c) Give reasons why some Christians do not believe in miracles today (6mks)

   (a) With reference to specific incidents in the New Testament show how Jesus fulfilled the Old

Testament prophecies concerning the Messiah. (7mks)

   (b) State what Jesus taught about John the Baptist (7mks)

   (c) Identify six ways in which Christians safeguard the life of children. (6mks)

  1. Outline ways in which religious beliefs and practices contributed to harmony and mutual responsibility in the African communities.(7mks)
  2. List seven moral values inculcated during marriage in African societies.(7mks)
  3. State Six factors affecting the traditional African Heritage (6mks)

a) Outline the stages followed in the renewal of the covenant during the time of Nehemiah (8mks)

b) Give six reasons why Nehemiah advised the separation of the Jews from foreigners. (7mks)

c) Give Six relevance of Nehemiah’s exemplary life to Christians today. (6mks)

a) Give seven reasons why God called prophets in Israel (7mks)

b) Identify seven reasons Prophet Amos was against the way the Israelites worshipped God in Israel.(7mks)

c) Give reasons why we require prophets in Kenya (6mks)

a) List eight factors that led to the spread of idolatry during the time of Prophet Elijah (8mks)

b) Outline the success of Elijah as a prophet of God. (5mks)

c) Identify Six qualities of Prophet Elijah that a Christian leader should possess (7mks)